Global Speaking Fellow
Code of Conduct
Global Speaking Fellow presenters agree to abide by the GSF Code of Conduct for Global Speakers. The GSF requires adherence to this Code as a condition of the designation. The purpose of the Code is to assure clients that designation holders are committed to maintaining their professionalism and adhere to high standards in the conduct of providing services to clients and in their dealings with their international audiences.
GSF Code of Conduct for Global Speakers
As a Global Speaker, I pledge to:
Serve clients with integrity, competence, and professionalism.
Accept only those engagements for which I possess the appropriate experience and competence to provide the services requested.
Treat appropriately all confidential client information.
Agree in advance with a client on the basis for fees, expenses, payment, and the process for managing cancellations and refunds.
Respect the rights of speaking colleagues and other presenters and never use their proprietary information, stories, examples, and materials without permission.
Respond courteously and respectfully when turning down an opportunity that does not fit with my personal ethics or legal requirements.
Respect the cultural norms and requests of clients and audiences by removing images and language from presentations that are not a fit.
Respect interpretation professionals and treat them as valuable partners in delivering presentations.
Respect the meeting professionals and support their work to deliver a high-quality program.
Represent the global speaking profession with integrity and professionalism.
Apply the GSF Code of Conduct for Global Speakers equally in all markets.
Are you ready to apply for the Global Speaking Fellow?
If you already have the CSP or FPSA designation apply today!