Past Recipients of the President’s Award

Each year, the GSF President has the opportunity to present a special President’s Award. This award is presented to one person for outstanding and visible contributions to the Global Speakers Federation. There is no membership or time criteria associated with this award. The recipient may have been serving for less than a year and may or may not have been an association member. Their contribution was simply outstanding and very much appreciated during that presidential year.


Neerja Singh

The prestigious 2023 President’s Award, a symbol of excellence and leadership, was graciously presented to Neerja Singh in recognition of her outstanding contributions and unwavering commitment to the organization's mission and values.


Dr. John B. Molidor

Affectionately known as Dr. John, John B. Molidor has served on the GSF Board of Directors from during his term which started in July 2016 on what was then the Executive Council. Since that time, Dr. John was involved in numerous project and committees leading to his Presidency in 2020 -2021. Over the last year, he was instrumental in brining forward the Leader to Leader Collaboration Calls (L2L), drove the CSP Harmonization project through to completion, helped redefine the annual nomination and election procedure for GSF Vice President, and was involved in several proposals to keep the GSF relevant and moving forward. Dr. John has promised to continue to serve and contribute to the GSF and lend his governance skills and expertise. Congratulations Dr John as being this year’s Presidential Service Awards as chosen by GSF President, Steve Lowell.


Joni Peddie

Joni has been an active participant and contributor to the GSF Board of Directors, representing her home association of Professional Speakers Association Southern Africa (PSASA), along with her global colleagues within the GSF.   Joni never said no, and always stepped up to the plate to provide service, value, and a thoughtful take on all issues that came before the Board.  Along with Liz Weber, Joni was involved in the inaugural version of the GSF What’s Happening Newsletter in January 2021.   Joni is one of three recipients of this year’s Presidential Service Awards as chosen by GSF President, dr. John B. Molidor.

Liz Weber, CSP

Liz has served tirelessly on the GSF Board of Directors during her term which started in July 2018.  Liz was instrumental in developing the GSF Strategic Plan and ensuring all stakeholders were kept on topic and on task.  She kept all Board members abreast of the plan and any changes along the way.  Liz also championed, along with Joni Peddie, the inaugural version of the GSF What’s Happening Newsletter in January 2021.  Liz is one of three recipients of this year’s Presidential Service Awards as chosen by GSF President, dr. John B. Molidor.

Zoom Communications

During the global pandemic, who became a strategic partner with the GSF – Zoom Communications.  Zoom allowed our global community of speakers to more than ever, reach more individuals around the world with their content, information, leadership, and supportive messaging.  It was a perfect fit to award Zoom with one of this year’s three Presidential Service Awards, as chosen by GSF President Dr. John B. Molidor.  Accepting on behalf of Zoom was Canadian Team Lead, Dean La Riviere.  Dean noted how humbled the entire team at Zoom was to be recognized this way especially by a user group such as the GSF.  Dean shared information with the Board on new ways that Zoom will be making virtual presentations even more savvy and user friendly.   We thank Zoom for allowing our community to thrive, and continue to be successful during the global pandemic.


Landi Jac, Mike Handcock CSP, Global Speaking Fellow, and the Plan B Summit Team 

In late January 2020, Mike and Landi stepped up when they heard the planned Global Speakers Summit, scheduled to be held in Swakopmund, Namibia was in jeopardy of not proceeding.  Knowing so many speakers from around the globe had travel plans made, hotels booked, and with the pandemic in its extremely early stages, Mike and Landi stepped into action to deliver a highly successful and memorable Plan B Summit, held in February 2020, in Swakopmund, Namibia.  As Mike so rightly said, “Plan B became a theme for 2020 for all of us. The event was brilliantly supported by Shari and Nikola of course”.

Thank you, Mike and Landi, and your entire team for delivering the Plan B Summit and your support of the GSF and all its member countries!


Liz Weber, CSP 

President Elias Kanaris thanked Liz Weber, CSP for her leadership in enabling the Federation to articulate and define our 3-year strategy. Liz, who is the NSA representative on the GSF Board, an active participant on the Steering Committee and led the Strategy Committee, put a lot of effort to ensure that the momentum gained in this FY continues to drive initiatives that add value to our members.

Congratulations and thank you, Liz.


Nabil Doss, GSF President 2016-17

President Shirley Taylor was thrilled to present this year’s President’s Award for Service to Nabil Doss. During his years of service to the Federation, Nabil has made consistent and visible contributions. Shirley particularly recognised Nabil’s leadership in taking the Federation through the transition to its new board structure, as well as his constant support during her term as GSF President. Thank you, Nabil, for always keeping at heart the vision and mission of the Federation.


Shari Bricks, GSF Executive Director

President Shirley Taylor surprised Shari Bricks by presenting her with a President’s Award for Service. As Executive Director for many years, Shari works hard behind the scenes keeping many plates in the air and making a valuable contribution to the Federation. Shirley particularly thanked Shari for her strong support during her term as President. Thank you, Shari, for always keeping us on track, and for being such a strong advocate and supporter of the Federation.


Dr. John B. Molidor, Ph.D., CSP

President Nabil Doss recognized the contribution made by John Molidor. John’s knowledge and expertise were very much appreciated in helping to create the new Board structure for the Federation. This new structure will prove pivotal as the Federation begins its third decade.


Scott Friedman, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow

President Jonathan Low recognized the contribution made by Scott in supporting many GSF initiatives. He helped to facilitate the kick off of the first PSA ME meeting in Dubai. He also Invested time and effort to hold huge CSR efforts in Malaysia to raise the awareness of MAPS and the GSF in this area.

Through ‘Together We Can Change the World’, Bersama Kita Boleh Week was held in Malaysia from May 22-26, 2016, including lots of stage time for GSF and in positioning MAPS as the voice of the speaking industry. Together We Can Change the World’ raised RM 50,000 for 10 homes/NGOs in Malaysia. This was good exposure for the Global Speakers Federation and the Malaysian Association of Professional Speakers


Kristin Arnold, CSP

President Lenora Billings-Harris recognized the contributions  to GSF’s success made by Kristin Arnold. As an expert in facilitating high-stakes strategy sessions, Kristin guided our first multi-day face-to-face strategic planning session for the executive committee. Because of her efforts, we were able to develop the first structured strategic plan for GSF. Her efforts helped us capture the many facets of GSF and set priorities. The resulting document was used by GSF presidents in subsequent years and it helped provide context to the reorganization that occurred in the following years. 

Additionally, Kristin has maintained an interest in the Global Speakers Summit as the keystone event of GSS. Her suggestions and willingness to volunteer helped GSF leaders as they revamped the event.


No Recipient


Sid Ridgley, CSP and Terry Brock, CSP, CPAE


Beverly Babb Award